
I have more than 10 years of experience in the field of journalism. I write for a wide range of purposes, from simple social media text to in-depth, technical articles requiring hours of research.

Fresh out of college, I wrote primarily for farmers raising and milking registered dairy cattle. Today, my writing topics cover a much wider swath of the dairy industry and the health and fitness world too, thanks to decades of weight lifting, a personal training certification and a passion for competitive bodybuilding.

I have also written extensively about beekeeping, a hobby I first pursued in 2017 with a single Langstroth hive in my back yard. Today, I pen The Bad Beekeeper and blog posts for Backyard Beekeeping magazine.

While a creative, right-brainer, I am also very organized and strive to create a professional, polished product ON DEADLINE for each and every one of my cherished clients.

Linked below are some of my published writing pieces. Please contact me if you would like to see more, need additional information, or want to get started on a project.

Other Writing Samples

Biography 1 (about 600 words)

Biography 2 (about 600 words)

Monthly Column

Jersey Jargon

FARM Environmental Stewardship Program (about 650 words)

Multi-Breed Genetic Evaluations (about 700 words)

P-Levels (about 700 words)